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Manitowoc Ships Athletics Mission & Vision Statements

Manitowoc Lincoln High School believes that a dynamic program of student activities is vital to the educational development of the student.
 Athletics and Activities plays an important part in the life of a Ship student. Young people learn a great deal from the participation in interscholastic athletics. Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition and how to win and lose gracefully are integral parts of our athletic program. Athletic participation also plays an important part in helping students develop a healthy self-concept as well as a healthy body. Athletic competition also improves school spirit and helps students develop pride in their school.

The major objective of the educational-based athletic program is to provide wholesome opportunities for students to develop positive leadership habits and attitudes of social and group interaction. Our coaching leadership is of the highest quality and will provide athletes with examples of exemplary behavior. The measurement of leadership success should not be measured in terms of the tangible evidence of the victories and defeats, but instead from the caring, creative, committed, and collaborative efforts, that are the major objectives of the Lincoln HS athletic program. The athletic program should always be consistent with the general objectives of the school. The athletic administration is oriented in the general policies of the WIAA.
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