**NEW Drop/Add Policy Starting 25-26

The Wisconsin state framework, which is tied to school-wide assessment, requires that instruction begins on the first day of each semester. If a student changes his/her schedule two weeks into the semester, the student is already behind, thus, resulting in a loss of learning. Therefore, the schedule change policy is designed to promote academic success at Lincoln High School. Students are given curriculum and registration information each year in December and will work with their families to put in course requests by the end of January. Students and families take the time to plan schedules for the following school year along with the LHS School Counseling department, who in turn, put a great deal of effort into creating schedules with the Administration to best meet the needs of the students and student body. 

Student-initiated requests for schedule changes will only be considered before the beginning of each semester based on availability. Once the semester begins, there will be no student-initiated schedule changes.  No changes will be allowed unless they are deemed necessary by the school.  Students should see their school counselors to complete a schedule change form only if they meet the requirements for an approved schedule change. 

Approved Reasons:

Below are the only approved reasons for a schedule change:


  • Student has been scheduled into a course previously passed  

  • Student has been scheduled into a course out of sequence (i.e., Spanish 3 before Spanish 1)  

  • Student did not pass a class that was a prerequisite for another  

  • Student has an incomplete schedule  

  • Senior is missing a requirement for graduation  

  • Administrators request/must balance the class sizes

  • Students over-extended may be a determining factor in reducing the schedule

  • Accommodate travel time for ECCP, YA or Start College Now courses

Not Approved Reasons:

Below are some examples of situations that will NOT result in a schedule change:

  • A desire for another instructor

  • A desire for a class to be a different/specific period

  • To have a specific lunch

  • Student is failing a course that was requested and is afraid that it will affect graduation (students are responsible for maintaining passing grades and will not be pulled from a class in lieu of failing)

  • Requested the course but no longer interested in the subject

  • Need to drop or replace a class to improve GPA

  • Student is having conflicts with other students in the class (students need to discuss problems with administrators or counselor for conflict resolution)

**All other requests outside these parameters must be approved by an administrator.**

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